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# Killer of Self-Love

Many of you believe that self-love is fictional. That it truly doesn’t exist. And that those who say they have self-love are lying. Am I right?

I used to believe that way. Used to think that self-love can’t really happen. That no one can truly love who they are unconditional. I was wrong. I also realized what the #1 struggle is when it comes to achieving self-love.


I was in the mentality that in order to achieve the happiness I had to lose the excess weight. I needed to be the skinnier version of myself. I needed to be smarter. I needed to get that higher education. I needed to be the mom that could do everything and look so polished doing it.

I am here to tell you that this is NOT true. Self-love doesn’t come when you lose those pounds or get that degree.

Perfection is the biggest self-love killer. Perfection doesn’t exist. The perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfect spouse, the perfect house. NONE OF THESE EXIST. And until you start believing that, you will NEVER truly find self-love.

It is time that you set aside all of your hopes of perfection. Set aside the thinking that makes you believe that you are not perfect just the way you are. Because I am here to tell you that you are perfect. Your body. Your hair. Your spouse. Your house. It is all perfect. It is all as it is meant to be at this moment.

In saying that, I don’t mean that your life can’t change. But I am saying that in order to achieve self-love, you need to learn to embrace who you are. Know that you are made up of flaws that are perfectly you. Stop wishing to look like someone else. Stop wishing to be someone else. Look within and fall in love with who you are.

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