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101 Goals in 1001 Days

After a Facebook post by a friend, Erinn Bosch at Mom Wears Hiking Boots, I thought that I would come on here and share my 101 goals in 1001 days list. I need a kick in the butt to start doing some of these so this is now my chance.

I wrote this list in January and haven't looked at it since which seems unfair. Unfair to myself. The items on this list are things that I want to experience, things I want to accomplish and it's time I stop putting them on the back burner. This year is about growing and expanding. Finding out more about myself and what my hopes and dreams are.

Have you ever written a 101 goals in 1001 days list? It's not easy. Well, at least it wasn't for me. Well here we go, here is my 101 goals list. The start date was January 6, 2019, and the end date is October 3rd, 2021.


1. Buy a house.

2. Visit Yellowstone National Park.

3. Take kids to Disneyland.

4. Publish my book.

5. Get a tattoo.

~ January 20, 2020, I got my first tattoo.

6. Visit all the provinces of Canada. (I have been to British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario)

7. Visit all of the U.S states. (I have been to Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Montana.)

8. Get my counselling degree.

9. Start my counselling practice.

10. Ride on a hot air balloon.

11. Have another baby.

12. Attend a blogging convention.

13. Attend a Ted Talk.

14. Speak at a Ted Talk.

15. Get paid for public speaking.

16. Have a profitable blog.

~ In January 2020, I held my first workshop and officially made money from my blog.

17. Do 5 guest blog posts.

18. Go berry picking with the kids.

19. Weekend away with Richard.

20. Go to a concert.

~ Attended my first concert in September 2019 with Quinton.

21. Go to Hawaii.

22. Read 100 new books. (Since January 2019 I have read 13 books.)

23. Go on a cruise.

24. Weekend away by myself.

25. Go to New York.

26. Go ziplining.

27. Go scuba diving.

28. Have a girls weekend.

29. Go to San Fransisco.

30. Do monthly date nights.

31. Visit New Zealand.

32. Watch a meteor shower.

33. See the Mexican Ruins.

34. Go to a spa.

35. Take a road trip to Wisconsin.

36. Join a yoga studio.

37. Sell 5 spots to my Blogology course every round.

38. Trip with sisters and mom.

39. Buy a piece of art from the Edmonton art walk.

40. Get my blogging planner into stores.

41. Visit Arizona.

42. Go to the Wisconsin State Fair.

43. Take kids to Calgary Stampede.

44. Take kids to West Edmonton Mall.

45. Save $5,000.

46. Visit aquarium in Vancouver.

47. See a castle.

48. Go to Walt Disney World.

49. Ride a jet ski.

50. Go to a drive-in movie.

51. Start a podcast.

52. Do a couples boudoir shoot.

53. Renew our vows.

54. Start a garden.

55. Stay at Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.

56. Learn how to belly dance.

57. Do a yoga handstand.

58. Have a mediation space.

59. Buy new wedding rings.

60. Learn reiki.

61. Move into a house. (Moved February 23, 2019)

62. Have my own office area. (Got an office February 23, 2019)

63. Buy a new computer.

64. Host a self-love retreat.

65. Do 6 tradeshows a year.

66. Get published in a magazine.

67. Hire a house cleaner once a month. (First time was April 15, 2019)

68. Travel to 2 provinces to public speak.

69. Learn to box.

70. Visit the Calgary library.

71. Buy Jaina wear yoga pants.

72. Get my tarot cards read.

~ Tara read mine a few times.

73. Make homemade ice cream.

~ Made ice cream with Iliza in May 2020.

74. Take kids to Noah's Ark.

75. Make homemade butter.

76. Take a class with Hope and Lotus.

77. Meal prep with Social Supper.

78. Send a care package to a friend.

79. Host a workshop. (Hosted a workshop in January 2020)

80. Get a facial.

~ Got one done by Young Beauty in Calgary.

81. Be an influencer for small Canadian businesses.

82. Cook a new recipe once a month.

~ April 2019: Instant Pot Tuscan chicken pasta

83. Be able to do 50 push-ups.

84. See the Northern Lights.

85. Buy a bigger tv.

86. Hire an organizer.

87. Do a random act of kindness once a week.

88. Get a manicure.

89. Get a Genesis pass.

90. Take kids to Sylvan Lake.

91. Host a spa girls night in party.

92. Learn to pole dance.

93. Learn calligraphy.

94. Get another mala.

95. Give Richard a lap dance.

96. Visit the White House.

97. Take a cooking class.

98. Create my own planner.

99. Create a healing journal.

100. Adopt a book from the library.

101. Visit an art museum.

I am excited to get some of these crossed off. Get started on your list today!!!

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