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13 Topics to Blog About as an Entrepreneur

I am curious to know for research. If you have your business but not a blog for your business, why? What questions do you have in regards to starting a blog? What holds you back?

A laptop with flowers and pencils on top of a desk.
Topics for entrepreneurs to blog about.

These are the questions that I asked the other day in a Facebook group that I am a part of. I had an idea of the responses that I was going to get but the one that surprised me the most is the reason for this blog post.

I just don’t know what to write about.

I think there is a misconception that to start your blog, you need to have an endless supply of ideas. What is actually true is that once you start blogging, things will pique your interest. You will get a client asking a question and that sparks an idea for a blog post. You will dream about something and that will spark an idea for a blog post. You will be watching a tv show or reading a book and that will spark an idea for a blog post.

I plan ahead but at the same time, I can throw that plan away for a day when a creative spark ignites and I take off with it. Hence this blog post. It wasn’t in my plan. I was actually going to talk about something else but I couldn’t.

I also don’t plan for more than 4 weeks in advance. I can have a few sporadic posts ready but that is about it. A lot can change in 4 weeks. A lot of ideas can spark creativity in 4 weeks. Plus I have probably close to 30 blog post ideas on my phone.

The point to all of this is, I have some blogging topics for you to write about (or me if you are looking for a freelance blogger). You don’t have to overcomplicate things for them to work. Most of the time, simple is the best way.


Write about your products/services. This one should be simple. You have a business. You want people to know about your business so BLOG ABOUT IT. Let them know how cool and awesome your business is. Show them the products that you offer. Show them the services you offer.

Write about the products/services that you use in your industry. What is a product or a service that you love? Share it. That is the biggest form of flattery for the other business owner but that isn’t the only benefit. Your ideal readers may be looking for that exact product or service. Your readers will begin to trust you. Use that to showcase the businesses that have made an impact on your business.

A great example of that for me is a Pinterest course I took called Boss Girl Bloggers. It is a course that I highly recommend and I even have an affiliate code for it. So if you do purchase the course with the link above, I will get a portion of that sale. Reach out to the businesses of the products and services that you use and see if they offer an affiliate program. If it is something that you truly love, share it and try and make a commission off of it.

Write about your expertise. Don’t be afraid to talk about your training, your education, and your experience. Your readers want to know about you. They want to know what sets you apart from others in the same industry. Sometimes your readers are following you because they want to do what you do. Share with them how you got to where you did.

Write about the courses that you took. These courses don’t necessarily have to be related to your business. Is there a course that you took that you loved. Share it with your audience. Courses can be fun to take so your readers might enjoy getting to know you a bit more and learning about your interests.

Write about the experiences of your customers. This includes good and bad experiences. Why include the bad? Even with the bad experiences, you are learning. Talk about what you learned from that experience with a customer. This shows your readers and customers that you are an honest company to work with and that you strive to make your customers experience top-notch.

Write about the problems that your customers have. This is a great way to showcase your expertise. Help solve the problems of your readers in a way that is easily understood by them. Add in how these problems were or are personal for you. Share stories with them. They want to connect with you and adding in a personal story of struggle will help with that.

Show off your team members. Do you work with some amazing people? Share who they are. Give them some love. You can do it as a profile or even as an interview. You can also extend this to other businesses that you collaborate with. Share their team as well.

Show off your biggest supporters. This can be family, friends, or customers who have been with you since the beginning. How special would that be for a customer? Show them that you appreciate their business by giving them a shoutout on your blog.

Share the process of starting your business. If you have followers who are reading because they want to do what you do, this can provide great insight for them. Break down the process. Show them everything that you needed to do to build the business that you have.

I think that there is sometimes a disconnect. Customers see a business but have no idea what goes on behind the scenes and how much work is actually put in before a business even gets customers. Show your readers that.

Share a review of your product from an influencer. Don’t rely on just your influencers to share your product. Share their videos on your blog. This is a great way to get their followers onto your blog as well as new followers. Get that influencer working even harder for you without doing more work.

Share your product production. Show your readers how your product goes from idea to a complete product. Share the creative process. You don’t need to give everything away. Like I said earlier, customers love to see behind the scenes. Give them what they want.

Behind the scenes. Is there anything else exciting going on? Show them. Show them how you spend your day working, where you work, and more. This can be a fun way to break out of the boring posts and have fun.

Talk about market/industry trends. This is where you can put your expertise to work even more. Talk about what is going on in your industry. Share how you feel about it. You can even showcase other views on the current trends. This would be a great idea for a collaboration post and get those included to share your blog as well.

There are 13 ways for you to connect to your readers with a blog. I love brainstorming ideas and if you ever are looking for some help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. What topic are you going to write about first?

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