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2025: The Year Of Leaping With Affirmations

I’m no good at this.

I can never do anything right.

I’m so dumb.

I don’t look good in anything that I wear. 

How many times have you caught yourself saying these things? Most of the time, you probably don’t even realize that you are saying them. It is so engrained into who you are that it is just second nature. 

What would happen if you began to notice when you said these thoughts? 

What would happen if you changed these thoughts?

What would happen if you no longer believed these thoughts?

What would happen if you replaced these thoughts with ones that were actually true?


Right now you are probably laughing. Thinking to yourself that this isn’t possible. You can’t change the way you think about yourself because all of those words you repeat are the truth. You aren’t denying them. You aren’t trying to be something that you think you are not.

I am here to tell you that those negative thoughts aren’t really who you are. We have been conditioned to believe that we aren’t good enough. That there is always going to be something wrong with us. When in reality, you are this beautiful human being who just needs to rewire your brain to remember WHO YOU TRULY ARE. 

2025: The Year of Leaping With A

I always thought that I had this under control. That no one knew how I truly felt about myself. I thought that I was great at hiding what I actually thought of myself. 

Those four sentences above are tame compared to some of the things that I repeated to myself. I knew that I needed to change those words to fall in love with who I was. I thought it was going to be easy. I didn’t realize the extent of the hate that I felt for myself until the first day I looked in the mirror naked. 

It was on that day that I realized how much work I needed to do. 


You don’t believe in using affirmations? Well, I hate to break it to you but you are already using affirmations in your life. You just aren’t being intentional with them. You are repeating the negative thoughts in your head and those have become the affirmations that you live by. The ones that are dominating your thoughts and behaviors. 

This isn’t going to happen overnight. This isn’t going to change in a week. This is a process that is going to take practice and practice. You are conditioned to believe the words that are replaying in your head. Those words aren’t even yours to begin with. They are words and beliefs that we have picked up throughout the years from family, friends, media, and everything else that plays a role in our lives. 

We are inundated with pressure from the outside world to be something that we are not and when we don’t fit into the perimeters set by others, we believe that we just aren’t good enough. That’s where those affirmations come into play.

It is time to take control of your thoughts. No more being on autopilot. 2025 is the time to change the negative into positive and to begin to believe in who you are and who you are becoming. 

If you are ready to dive in and begin to change the way that you are thinking about yourself and your life, this is your sign. Your sign to start with beautiful words that truly describe who you are and who you want to become. 


You are here for a reason. 

You may not even be able to put that reason into words right now and that is okay. I get it. 

Sometimes it is about the feeling that you get when you are somewhere. 

Sometimes it is about that little nudge inside that is telling you that there is a better way.

Sometimes it is about blind trust in yourself and just leaping. 

That’s what I am here for. I leap first and then I am here to help you find the courage to leap. So welcome to 2025: The Year Of Leaping.


I want you to grab a piece of paper, a journal, or whatever it is that you will use to document your progress. 

Today I want you to start by writing all of the negative things that you say about yourself. Write them on a list so that you know where you are starting. 

There is no shame in this. To get to where you want to be, you need to know where you currently are. Be open and honest with yourself. No one else needs to see this list. It is only for you and your growth. 

Here is my current list: 

  • I am no good at writing. 

  • I am fat. 

  • No one appreciates me. 

  • I don’t have enough time to do what I want in my life. 

  • I never have enough money.

  • No one wants to read my books.


Now before we can dive into rewriting these thoughts, we need to figure out why and what they mean to us. 

Some you may not quite understand where they come from or why you are thinking that way about yourself but try. Grab a piece of paper or your journal and write down at the top of the paper one of those negative thoughts from your list. 

You are now going to write. Try not to overthink everything. Freewrite and see what comes up for you. A bonus step that may help you get deeper is to meditate BEFORE you start writing. Give your brain some time to quiet down and then dig deep and write everything that comes out. 

Write all the reasons down that you think this is true. They don’t need to make sense. Just write and see what happens. 

After you write that part down now we move on to writing down why these thoughts aren’t true. Write down anything that disproves these words as truth. They aren’t true and now it is the time to prove that to yourself. 

This is mine…

No one wants to read my books.

My words don’t matter. No one would want to read poetry because it can be heavy and too deep. People want to feel good and choose to read something that makes them forget about their troubles, not drag them into their troubles. 

Even some of my family doesn’t support me so why would a stranger want to buy a book or two from me? Who am I to think that I can write? There are bigger names that people follow more than me. People want to purchase books that are in bookstores and not on some random website of some woman claiming to be a writer. 

Now onto step two.

Why is this NOT true?

The words that I write on the page turn into magic. They are simple but they can help someone feel what they may be trying to hide. Words are supposed to matter and move people.

I have sold books already and have gotten amazing reviews on them. They connect people to me on a deeper level. They get a sneak peek into my life and begin to see themselves in a new way. 

Words are the first way to connect with someone. They can show someone your soul and your purpose. They can see themselves in a stranger, in you. 

My words matter and they always have. When I don’t think they do, I go back and read all of the beautiful messages that I have gotten from strangers. The ones that have cheered me on and told me how much my writing meant to them. 

That is step two. 

Step Three: Rewrite The Statement

Now that you are here, you are ready to rewrite that original statement that you made. You are taking it from a negative statement to a positive one. An affirmation that you can use daily to help change your thinking. 

I like to write an affirmation on my bathroom mirror. I am in there every day and I can repeat it whenever I look in the mirror. In the morning alone, I can say it 3-4 times. 

Use Post-It notes to write affirmations at work or in your bedroom. Leave them in your kitchen and on your fridge. The easier you make this for yourself, the more likely you are going to change the thoughts that are replaying in your head. 

These are my rewrite:

  • I am no good at writing to Writing is my way to connect with who I am and who I want to be. 

  • I am fat to I am a beautiful, curvy woman who loves her body.  

  • No one appreciates me to I am surrounded by people who love and support me in everything I do. 

  • I don’t have enough time to do what I want in my life to I am ready and willing to make time for what I want in my life.

  • I never have enough money to My income increases monthly and allows me to support myself and my family.

  • No one wants to read my books to I have a community of women who read my books and share them with everyone they know.

That probably feels a bit strange, doesn’t it? Writing something that you don’t quite yet believe but someday will. 

Now I want you to take these new affirmations and write them. Put them everywhere and start repeating them to yourself. Let’s get off of autopilot and start recognizing the things that we are saying about ourselves. We wouldn’t say them to those we love so we don’t need to repeat them to ourselves. 

I’d love for you to share one or two of your new affirmations with me. Share the original one and what you changed it to. This is the year that we take control of the thoughts that run through our heads. 2025: The year of leaping into the possibilities.

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Jan 14

I love this so much! Your words matter!! I used to tell myself that I wasn’t pretty enough or the right weight to show my face on camera, but then I realized I have important things to say! My voice matters! Thank you for sharing your journey! We can all learn more from this!

Samantha Laycock
Samantha Laycock
Jan 22
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HELL YES!!!!! I love this!!! Your voice does matter. Someone out there needs to hear it!! Keep going beautiful!


Jan 12

Love it, "change the language in your head" is so powerful. It all starts within us and embodies our actions. This is a great article! Domii

Samantha Laycock
Samantha Laycock
Jan 22
Replying to

Thank you so much! It really can change everything in your life.


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