Over this past week in my Facebook group, Becoming the Blogger Within, we have been talking about ways to help you narrow down your blogging niche.
I remember when I first moved to Alberta in 2014. I was 29 years old and I still felt as if I had no direction in my life. I had a degree to do home care but it wasn’t something that I fully enjoyed and was passionate about. I had begun to feel like I was never going to figure out who I was and what I was supposed to do.
Finding your blogging niche can feel the same. Feel as if you just don’t know what you should blog about. The biggest thing I hear women say is that they don’t think they have anything that anyone is going to want to read.
This is so WRONG!!! Everyone has a story. Everyone has a passion. We all have multiple passions and there is nothing wrong with that. We are humans and we evolve and grow. We are meant to have more than 1 thing that we love doing.
Narrowing down your niche doesn’t have to be difficult. It may take some time and some thought but it doesn’t mean that we can’t figure it out.
If you are here, you are probably ready to figure this out. You have had blogging on your mind for a while now but just are unsure of what to write about. Here are 5 lists that will help you begin to narrow down your passions and find a niche that will be perfect for you.
LIST #1: Write down everything that you are passionate about. This is your starting point. Write down everything that you love to do. What are your hobbies? What do you love to do or talk about? What do your friends ask you questions about? Write everything down.
It doesn’t matter how many items are on this list. This is only your starting point. If you are struggling with this list, ask your closest friends and family. Sometimes we can’t see what we are good at or even what we love to do because we are so caught up in everyday life.
LIST #2: What topics from list 1 do you know best? What topics from list 1 could you talk about all day? Try and narrow down your first list to a list of your top 5. This list may take a little bit to write out since you are narrowing your other list down. Take your time but don’t overthink it. Listen to what your gut is telling you. That will help to determine what your top 5 should be.
LIST #3: Take your top 5 and break them up into different categories. You will now want to take your list #2 and write those top 5 at the top of a piece of paper. Under each of those main categories, write down what you can talk about under that main topic. Write all your ideas and thoughts down. This will help you to break down your main topic and to realize what you know about it.
LIST #4: Hopefully now by list #4, you will have it narrowed down even more to maybe your top 2 or 3 niche ideas. With this list, you are going to take your remaining niche ideas and again write that main niche idea on the top of your paper. Underneath them, you are going to write down what you can teach your readers. Be specific. Think about everything that you know about those topic ideas.
You can even think about what it is that you want to learn about these topics. If it is something that you want to learn, more than likely, your ideal readers are going to want to learn the same thing. This will open up ideas into what you can teach in the future. You don’t even need to wait for the future to write about these things. You can share your journey learning all of these other things with your audience. This is a great way to connect with your audience and allow those who are also ready to learn, an option for doing so.
You will find that along the way, you will start to feel more passionate about 1 or 2 topics than the other ones on your list. This is what you want. It may not have been clear while you were doing list 1 but now you are at list 4 and it makes sense.
You may even realize that there is a way to combine different passions into 1 blog. That is totally fine. That is what the lifestyle blogging niche is. But knowing this before you begin is the best way to know where your blog is going and where you truly want it to go.
LIST #5: This list is all about research. Now I want you to go and do some keyword research on the 1 or 2 niche ideas that you have written down. I love using Ubersuggest by Neil Patel. When you get to this website, on the left-hand side, there will be a spot that says Keyword Ideas. Click on this. You will want to change the language and the country. Now you will add your words one at a time into the keyword section.
As a beginner, I suggest focusing on the SD (SEO difficulty) and the volume. The volume means how many people are searching for that keyword. SD means the estimated amount of competition in an organic search. The higher the number, the harder it will be to rank for that keyword.
For your SD, I recommend staying under 50. Get a piece of paper and write down all the words that you type in and the SD of that specific word. You can also use phrases. I love using Ubersuggest because it gives you other keyword ideas that are related to the one you typed in so do some searching.
This list will take you a while to complete. It can be time-consuming but it is good to know ahead of time what keywords will help you.
These are the 5 lists that you can make to help to narrow down your blogging niche. I hope that these will help you start to create and build the blog of your dreams. If you are looking for even more help, my Blogology program begins on October 3, 2023. It is 7 weeks of group calls and 1 on 1 call to help you create the blog of your dreams. This program is only open to 5 women. I would love to help you create your very own blog so that you can begin to share your story and impact the world around you.