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5 Tools to Help with Your Blog Content

A keyboard with a cup of coffee.
5 tools to help with your blog content.

This month we have been talking about content. Blogging content to be precise. Throughout the years, I have found some awesome resources that I use to help me with my content.

I am an organized person. I find that when I’m not, I feel lost and confused. That is when I struggle to come up with blogs to write. Not to say that with my organized content that I never get writer’s block. I still do but it’s less than when I am not organized.

So let’s get started.



Evernote is an online content calendar. I don’t use it for my own content as I prefer to write mine out on paper but I do use Evernote with my clients. When I have a client that goes through a blogging intensive or my Blogology course, I help them set up a week or 2 of blogging content. This is the easiest way to share photos and content all in one place. You can colour highlight items. I love Evernote and highly recommend it.


After losing 4 years of posts, I learned the hard way how important it is to have a place other than your website to have your blog posts written. I love using Google Docs. I have access to it on my phone and my computer. I can share easily with my freelance clients when I have their first draft done. I now have all of my blog posts on Google Docs and just copy and paste them when I am ready to get them on my blog.


There are many different headline tools to use but this is by far my FAVORITE to use. Capitalize My Title is to help when you already have a title that you want to use. I love that it gives me the score of my title. It breaks it down into 3 subscores (readability, SEO, and sentiment) and gives you your overall score. I am not the best at creating titles for my blog post and the best score I have ever received is 73. The headline to this blog post is a 71.


Grammarly is another one of my favorite tools to use. I have it downloaded to my computer so whenever I use Google Docs, it highlights the words that I misspell or improper grammar. I love that this tool sends me weekly insights. It tells me how busy I have been and how my grammar is compared to other users. It is fun to see those statistics. This tool is extremely helpful if you want to be a blogger but don’t have the best grammar.


Title Generator is a great tool if you are stumped on what to actually use as a title. Type in some keywords that you want to use in your title and it generates different options. Some of them won’t make sense but I have gotten quite a few good ones by using this tool. Once you have one selected, put it into the Headline Analyzer tool to see how it scores.

There are so many other tools that you can use as a blogger but these are the tools that I use daily. I didn’t include tools to use for graphics. I focused on the tools that I use specifically for the wording of my blog posts. Do you have any favourite tools that I didn’t mention? I’d love to hear them.

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