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Are You Ready to Start Your Blog?

I absolutely love telling people what I do. It makes me giddy. It makes me feel lucky to have found a way to do something I love while also supporting my family. Writing blogs make me happy. Teaching women how to start their blogs is the next level. I can’t help but smile as I watch women grow their dream.

There is a magic that takes place when you see someone start with just an idea and be able to take that and turn it into a blog of their very own. I would imagine it is similar to a high. I have no idea what that is like since I have never been high but I would like to think it feels like being on top of the world.

The next round of Blogology officially starts on September 6th, 2020.

Are you sick of staring at your computer trying to figure out how to start a blog?

Are you tired of spending hours on Google and YouTube searching up how to start a blog?

Are you ready to share your story and to begin your healing process?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you are ready for a blogging coach. This is an exciting time. It means that you know what you want. It means that you are ready to take the next step. It means that you are no longer going to wait and find more excuses.


The idea of blogging has always intrigued you but you had those questions in the back of your head.

Am I too old to start a blog?

I don’t know anything about technology, can I even start a blog?

Where do I even begin with starting a blog?

I understand those questions. I had those too. The difference is, I didn’t let those questions stop me. I jumped in with both feet. I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was going but I went ahead anyway. Now, I don’t want you to do that. I want to HELP YOU. I want to help you bring your vision to life.

It is time to throw the stress away.

It is time to stop watching YouTube videos.

It is time to stop watching me blog and dream of the day you will do it yourself.

It is time that you call in an expert to help you get started.

A desk with a desktop computer on top of it.
Starting your own blog with the help of a blogging coach.

Blogging is scary. Blogging is a lot of work. Blogging is a way to impact the world through your words. How many times have you said that now is the time and then began and closed your computer a few minutes later with a broken heart and a confused soul? It is time to put that behind you and begin fresh with an expert on your side.

No more long nights Googling how to start a blog.

No more staring at a computer screen willing it to just magically start a blog for you.

No more trying to find someone that speaks your language to help you start a blog.

No more questioning yourself if this is the right thing to do.

In the 7-week Blogology course, we dig deep into blogging. Not only do we focus on building your blog, but we also focus on the why of your blog. This is the most crucial step to beginning your very own blog.


With this simple question, we will be able to map out goals, keywords, domain names, branding and so much more. We start at the beginning. We start with the why and everything will begin to fall in place after that.

The newest part of the program is that you will be getting a Wix template for free when you sign up. This means that I will be able to help you create a website that you love with a template that was made for my Blogology students. There will be 2-3 templates that you will be able to choose from. These templates do not come from Wix themselves but from another small business that designs them. I am beyond excited to be offering this as another way to let your blog stand out even more. Check out my website as this is what I did. I have a template that I purchased. Yours will not be the same as mine.

In these 7 weeks, you will have 1 group call weekly where we will go over the lesson for that week. You will also get a 1 on 1 call with me so that we can dig deeper and focus on your specific blog alone.

You will walk into Blogology with an idea for a blog and you will leave with a published website, blog posts published, and a content calendar that you can continue to grow and expand on your own.

There are no more excuses to wait. This round of Blogology will start on September 6, 2020. Let me help you create the blog of your dreams. I look forward to getting to know you and to help you on your blogging journey.

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