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Blog and Business Goals For 2023

I love setting goals. I love the whole process. From reviewing what I was able to accomplish the previous year to figure out what I want to accomplish to mapping it all out. I have been trying to figure out the goals that I want to achieve in 2023. Last week I shared my blog post about my business highs and lows and talked all about the goals that I didn’t hit. Looking back though, I had such an incredible year. My sales were up by over 700%. I hate talking about the money that I earned. Not because I have something against money but because I want to focus on the impact that I had. Here are a few more numbers from 2022 that I do like to focus on…

    • I helped 5 small businesses with their social media content.

    • I have over 170 women in my blogging Facebook group.

    • I have almost 4,000 blog views per month. This is up by 673% compared to the year before.

These are the numbers that matter to me and I am so excited to make them even bigger in 2023.


Let’s just start by saying, Can you believe that it is going to be 2023 already?!?!?! These past few years have not been the easiest and it doesn’t seem like the next couple coming up are going to be the easiest to live in either. With everything going on, it can feel overwhelming and depressing. I have learned throughout the past few years that I need to step back from what is going on around me and focus only on what I want to achieve. I can get caught up in the negativity and worry and I don’t like how it makes me feel. Anyone else feel that way? When you are ready to create your goals for 2023, look at how 2022 went. You need to look back on this year and not be so critical of yourself. I know, I have been caught up in that before. Look back to see what worked and what didn’t. If you don’t know what worked and what didn’t, just take a moment to take in all that you did achieve. Look at the goals that no longer align with who you are or what you want to do. The best thing about creating goals is that they don’t have to be permanent. Things change, life changes, and what we want to do is constantly changing. Embrace that change.

There is no shame in changing what you want to achieve or who you want to be. That is the purpose of life. To become more. Make your goals big and scary. Don’t settle for anything less. A few tips for when you are creating your goals.

  • Sit with your new goals for a few days and see if they feel right.

  • Don’t ask for the opinion of others. They can have input if you need it but remember, the goals you want to reach need to come from you.

    • Set goals that scare you.

    • If there is a goal that you didn’t achieve in 2022 but still feels right, carry it into 2023. There is nothing wrong with carrying goals over to another year.

    • Find an accountability partner. This is going to help you when you are struggling, when you want to celebrate, and when you need to bounce ideas off of someone.

Are you ready to dive in to see what my blog and business goals are for 2023? If you want to see a review of the goals that I set for myself in 2022, check them out here.


We are going to first cover my blogging goals for 2023.

Blogging views up by 500% As I said earlier, my blog views are up by almost 400% from last year to 2022. I am ready to take it up even more in 2023. 12 new guest blog posts published per brand I slacked on creating guest blog post content in 2022 and in 2023, I really want to increase this. Having two different blogs, I am setting the goal of sending out and publishing 12 guest blog posts per brand. This means a total of 24 guest blog posts for 2023. Are you looking for a guest blogger? I’d love to write on your website. Get consistent with sharing 21 new pins on Pinterest per week For the end of this year, I was focusing on building up my Pinterest even more. I haven’t been as consistent as I want to be but I have seen a big increase in traffic so my goal for 2023 is to get super consistent with Pinterest and continue to build this traffic. Those are my blogging goals for 2023.

Here are my business goals.

Business income up to $22,000 This number may seem small to some but damn, the growth that I saw in my income in 2022 was super exciting. I know that I can reach this goal and I am so excited to have many incredible things happening in 2023! Be a guest on 6 podcasts I already have two podcasts lined up for 2023 and I plan to get on even more. I love being a guest on podcasts and it is time to focus on getting in front of new audiences again. Sign 14 women up for my blog coaching program In 2022, I didn’t focus much on my blog coaching program. I walked away from it and I miss it. I miss teaching women how to blog. I am only doing this program 3 times per year and the first one starts on January 8th. If you are ready to start your blog and want some help, I’d love to help you. Blog coaching is through my other brand, Empoword Blogging. Sell my blogging course to 15 people I am in the process of creating my own self-directed blogging course. It will be available on my other website in January. I am excited about this as it has been something that I have been planning for a long time. Anyone else excited about this? Attend 4 networking events Networking events take me way out of my comfort zone but I am ready for that in 2023. If you know of any great ones, please let me know! Start my YouTube channel Another thing that I have been putting off. I set up my YouTube channel and I even have a list of topics that I want to talk about but just haven’t gone further than that. I will need to come up with a launch date, maybe in March. Those are my goals for 2023. They are interconnected with each other and I am beyond excited for 2023. Why wait until then to start working on these goals?!?! Now is the time. If you are looking for help with your goals and your content,

join me for the workshop Master Your Content in 2023

. Let’s map out your goals and start mapping out your content to make 2023 your best year yet!

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