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Blogging Podcasts: Your Must-Have List

Like most people, I absolutely love listening to podcasts. Turning one on as I make dinner means that I am learning as I cook. The amount of information that you can take it with podcasts is truly amazing. Experts that are willing to share with you information that took them years to learn is an option that is vast. Trying to find podcasts that you enjoy without having to search through an endless list can feel daunting.

If you are serious about learning about blogging and are looking for some great experts to listen to, here is a list that I have created of my favourites. I didn’t always listen to podcasts. My preferred method was reading but I find that I don’t always have time to read about what I want to learn about. This is where listening to podcasts is the perfect solution. I can listen as I make my family dinner. I can listen as I take a shower. This allows me the freedom to get 2 things done at once but also being able to pay attention.

As of January 2020, there are 850,000 active podcasts and over 30 million podcast episodes. (Source: Remember I did say that the list is endless. That sort of puts it into perspective on how many are out there. Another statistic by Oberlo is that 82.4% of podcast listeners spend more than 7 hours a week listening to podcasts.

Are you taking advantage of these podcasts that are available to you?


There is so much amazing blogging information on this podcast. In 3 years, he took his blog from 0 to 2 million monthly visitors. His topics range from SEO, Wordpress, social media marketing, and so much more. Head over and give him a listen. With 164 episodes you are sure to stay busy.

He shares blogging tips to help you make money. He has 282 episodes for you to work your way through. Enjoy!

This podcast is much smaller compared to the first two but I still love it. She has 67 episodes for you to listen to. This is all about giving bloggers encouragement to just keep going.

This is another small blogging podcast but it offers great and useful information. It features 41 episodes for you to listen to. He shares his experience as a blogger as he builds his own blog.

This blog is all about interviewing and learning more in-depth blogging. There are 213 episodes for you to enjoy on this podcast.

Which podcast are you going to start with? It is a hard choice but today I am going to listen to MANY MANY episodes of the Blogging Millionaire. I love learning and I love that these experts offer such great tips on how to take your blogging to the next level. Share which episode you listen to and tell me what you learned.

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