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Join the Build A Blog Course

Every time I get ready to talk about blogging, my heart does little flutters. I get butterflies in my belly knowing that I am going to help a woman step into who she is and start that blog that she has been thinking of.

I go back to February 2020, to the day that I first pulled into my friend’s driveway to help her build her blog. I feel giddy with excitement as I remember pulling out our computers and starting the work.

Working side by side with open computers, showing her how to set up her website, choose her niche and narrow down her colours. The give and take that went on for 16 hours to get everything just right. A little bit more about Jody and her experience.

The moment that combined pure excitement and pure exhaustion when she pushed the PUBLISH button on her very own website. We were nowhere near complete but that room was filled with tears of joy and happiness. The growth that she experienced in those 16 hours was something that I will treasure forever.

My programs have all stemmed from this weekend in February. When I was able to walk through what I wanted to teach with less confidence because she knew that I could do it.

I have refined my teaching.

I have learned what my students like or dislike.

I have learned what works for me and what doesn’t.

I have created a program that I love and that fills me up.

I have created a program that I believe in and that I know will help women start a blog.

In my small business program, we had a special speaker today. He was talking all about finances (something that I dread talking about) and he said something that struck me today.

How can you expect others to value the work that you do if you don’t value what you do? Shane

BAM!! Powerful shit, right? (So powerful I had to throw a swear word in there but it totally works.)

Join the Build a Blog program to start your own blog.
Join the Build a Blog program to start your own blog.

I want to walk you through the Build A Blog program so that you know exactly what to expect. It is starting on Monday, October 18. Spaces are still available if you are ready to start your blog.


Everyone that wants to start a blog, wants to do it in a way that doesn’t have them building a website for months. I have shortened the Build A Blog program to 4-weeks in length instead of the 6-7 weeks that I originally had for my program, Blogology.

In a matter of one month, you will have a running website and a strong foundation for your blog to be built upon. That to me is important.

Anyone can start a blog but not everyone knows how to lay down the foundation that will help you build a successful blog.

That is where I come in. I have strategies that you can implement to ensure that your blog is being built correctly and will allow for you to have the best and easiest way to build your blog.

The Build A Blog program includes…

  1. 2 group calls per week.

  2. 1-90 minute call to use anytime in the 4-week program

  3. Weekly action steps in Trello

  4. Blueprint to Launching Your Blog. Here is an additional resource to help launch your blog.

Let’s go through the program’s core content so that you know exactly what to expect when you sign up to join us. This program is open to 6 women. I keep it a small group so that we can get to know one another and help each other through the 4 weeks that we have together. I do not want anyone to get lost because the group is too big. Small and intimate is how I like to work with my group coaching programs.

Week One: Goals/Planning/Strategy | This week is going to be filled with lots of writing and brainstorming. We will focus on creating a monetization plan for your blog. This will be individual to each person and will focus on what your goals are.

We will create 3,6 and 12-month goals using my 9 areas of your blogging vision.

We will also map out your blog strategy. This will include how many times you want to publish per month and creating a plan to do that. I will show you the process of creating blog content and using that to create your strategy.

Week Two: Building Your Website | This week is fun and stressful. We will begin by talking about choosing your platform and get you all set up to build your website. This week will include additional fees (not paid to me) to purchase your domain and your platform fees.

Blog branding. We will focus on choosing your colours, your fonts, and your brand feel. Branding is about more than colours and fonts and we will dive deep into all the pieces of branding your blog.

SEO. We will walk through and set up your on-page SEO for your website. I am a believer that every person should know how to create and work on their own website so we will cover the basics of SEO so that you know how to start out.

Week Three: Building Your Blog | By this week, your website will be live (doesn’t mean it will be 100% complete) and we will work on building the different aspects of your blog. We will talk about narrowing down your niche and using my 5 list system for narrowing down your niche.

We will talk about keywords and categories. We will get them set up on your website and start brainstorming and researching what you need to know.

We will dig more into mapping out your blog content for the first month of publishing. I will show you tips and tricks that I have learned along the way when you get stuck on creating content.

We will also break down blog posts. We will talk about layout, SEO and everything that you need to know to create blog posts that are easy to read and that your ideal readers are going to love.

Looking for more inspiration when it comes to building your blog, use these 11 questions to help you.

Week Four: Social Media | This is our last week together and your blog will be up and running and hopefully (maybe) have a blog post already published. We will talk about setting up your social media profiles.

We will talk about how to post/schedule on certain social media platforms and other options if you want to look at other ways to do that.

We will also talk about creating a social media plan that helps bring readers to your website and to your blog. I will show you the tools that I use to help me plan, organize and simplify the whole process.


In these 4-weeks, you will go from not having a blog and only dreaming of one to having a functional blog that you are going to start driving traffic to.

You can use your 90-minute call with me at any time during this program so that you get additional 1:1 help with anything that you need. This is meant to be a support call so that we can work through and discuss anything that you are struggling with or need more clarity on.

Each call will be around an hour in length. We will go through our topics for the day and have discussions so that any questions can be answered. After every call, there will be action steps for you to complete for the week.

This is not a done for you program. This is a program that is going to show you how to start your own blog with a strong foundation so that you can continue to grow and then begin to monetize it. I am expecting you to do the work so that I can help you in the ways that you need help.

This program is ONLY $84/week. The total cost is $333 for the entire 4-weeks. If you are needing a payment plan, please do not hesitate to reach out and we can discuss what works best for you and me.

Imagine having a blog by mid-November that you can start to grow before 2022. I come with 7 years experience of in blogging and am ready to help you with everything that I have learned throughout those 7 years. I can’t wait to help you start your own blog and support you in every way that I can. Sign up to save your spot in the Build A Blog program.

Are you ready to make that blogging dream a reality? I am ready to help you do just that.


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