Last week I shared a post on my IG talking about how to create your goals using your blogging vision. There was a lot of talk about growth.
We all want to have growth when it comes to our blogs, but sometimes we can get stuck and just not know where to go or how to move forward.
If you are wanting to read more on the 9 pieces of your blogging vision, you can read it now. The best part of using your blogging vision means that the pieces all fit together so if you are looking to grow, you look towards the other pieces in the vision to help you.
We are going to focus on two of the other pieces of the puzzle to help you reach the growth that you want. First I want you to remember, your numbers are always going to go up and down. That is what social media does. Do NOT get caught up in the numbers. I have been there and I have obsessed over the numbers before and it doesn’t do you ANY good.
Write your numbers down on the first of the month and start to keep track of them. This way you begin to build the habit of checking in to see if you are moving in the direction you want to go. Hint, hint… today is that day. Go do it RIGHT NOW so you don’t forget. Here is a Trello board to help you get started with that.
So you are ready to grow your blog but you are just not sure what to do or how to go about it. Let me help you.
Collaboration is the key to any business growth. It truly is. Well, that and consistency but let’s focus on growing your blog through outreach. What does that exactly mean?
I want you to think of outreach as guest blogging, being a guest on podcasts, sharing your links with other bloggers and more.
By doing outreach EVERY single month, you are putting yourself in front of new audiences all of the time. Stick with other bloggers who are in your niche and in your shoulder niches so that you are reaching your ideal readers.
It can be hard to find bloggers to write for but continue to reach out. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.
Look at who you follow on IG. This is great because you are following them for a reason. Do some research and see if they have a blog. You also want to make sure that the blog is active or it doesn’t pay for you to guest blog on there.
Start commenting on the IG profiles you want to reach out to BEFORE you reach out. Begin to build up that relationship with them. Do it for 1-2 weeks and be consistent. Show up every day on their grid and make genuine comments. This will help them start recognizing your name.
Read their blog. You want to know what topics have been covered on their blog BEFORE you pitch. You wouldn’t want anyone pitching to you if they knew nothing about your blog.
Who are the bloggers that you love following in your niche? Reach out to them. Have fun. Again, build that relationship up. You never know what may happen when you do.
Find FB groups where you can be a guest expert in. These are always fun to do. I have done about 4 of them. Some of them have been interview style and some of them have been about me just teaching the group something.
Outreach is all about creating a relationship with the other blogger that you want to write for. It can be scary to put yourself out there but that is where the real growth will come from. Not only blogging growth but personal growth as well.
I did a blog post talking about overcoming imposter syndrome as a guest blog post for She Means Blogging. The ONLY way to get over the fear is to jump right into it. You know what you are doing.
Now there are more ways for you to create a more impactful outreach goal than just guest blogging and being interviewed on podcasts.
Think about all of the work that you have already done on your blog. Is there a way for you to share that work as a way to outreach? There is.
Take one of your blog posts and create an infographic from it. This way you can reach out to other bloggers in your niche and share your infographic with them. Make sure to tell them that you would like to have a link back so that it benefits you as well as them.
You can also do the same thing with a blog post that you have already written. Reach out to bloggers with an audience looking for the information you have already written and share it with the blogger. See if they would be willing to share it with their audiences.
Honestly, I haven’t done much of these last two ways that I am sharing with you. I have always thought that I needed to focus on creating new content BUT my website is filled with over 180 blog posts. That content is fantastic to use and will help someone else out. Create a plan to use for the month of June to help with your blog growth through outreach.
This is all about creating a connection with those who you follow and like. It isn’t about guest blogging or being a guest expert. This is about building a relationship with bloggers and coaches that are in your industry.
Most of the time, we are so busy creating content that we don’t actually use social media for the purpose that it is meant for. It is meant for socializing on it. Start commenting and being present on the social media platforms that you are on.
Take 15-30 minutes a day (or more) to comment on your IG followers’ posts, reels and stories. Comment on hashtags that you use as well. I will set a timer for 5-minute intervals and make meaningful comments on those three pieces of IG.
Comment on FB posts on pages that you follow. Pages don’t come up a whole lot on our feed so we often forget to support the businesses and blogs that we follow. Again, set a timer for 15 minutes and start making meaningful comments on the pages that you follow. You follow them for a reason.
Join FB groups that have sharing posts. Yes, you will leave a link to something you want commented on but take the time to comment on other’s things as well. Do more than what is asked of you and you will begin to see growth.
Comment on Pinterest pins that you love. This is a great way for the creator of the pin to see you. You will be more than a number that is following them. You will be a person who has taken the time to comment on their work.
Join masterminds or memberships. This is a great way to start building your network up of bloggers that are in and out of your niche. People that can and will support you when you need it the most. Looking for a membership that is for bloggers, join the Blogging Circle.
I commented on a FB post in another blogging group the other day about being social on social media. Her response was, it sounds like a full-time job. I want you to think about this for a minute.
More than likely, you are already scrolling mindlessly through these platforms. So why not end the mindlessness of it and begin to be creative and intentional with the time that you are spending on these platforms.
Blogging requires commitment and time. If you do not want to commit to doing the time that it takes to see real growth then you might as well just stop now.
Creating a plan when it comes to the growth of your blog is the best way to help you succeed. It means you are being intentional and remaining focused on your goals that you have set for yourself. No one else can do it for you.
Are you looking for personalized help when it comes to growing your blog? I would love to help you. I have spaces remaining for 1:1 blog coaching. We will review your blogging goals and vision (or help you create some) and create a growth plan that is tailored to you, your goals and your life.