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The 4 Pillars You Need For Blogging

This blog post has had me stumped because I just couldn’t figure out what to write as the intro paragraph. I have no exciting stories about pillars or foundations. I have no way to lead you into this post that truly helps to convey the importance of having these four pillars organized when you begin blogging so I am just going to jump into it today.


My wonderful analogy is all about foundations. In order for your house or your relationships to survive and continue being strong, you need to have a strong foundation. Foundation is interchangeable with pillars in this blog post.

These four pillars will help you start your blog with a strong foundation and be a great starting point. With these in place, you will be able to maintain and grow your blog throughout the years.

You will continue to add to these pillars as your blog grows and expands and as you learn more about yourself as a blogger. These pillars are your base layer for starting your blog.


There is ALWAYS a reason to have good foundations in place. A few of them include…

  1. Knowing what content you will be writing about.

  2. Knowing your audience on a deeper level.

  3. Being able to plan out your content.

  4. Growing your social media following and your readership every month.

  5. Setting goals that work with your life and plan.

Are you ready to learn what these 4 pillars of blogging are?


These pillars are a must-have if you are wanting your blog to succeed. They may surprise you and you may think that there are other more important things when it comes to blogging BUT having these pillars in place will make a difference.

There are so many aspects to blogging that also play an important role but by starting with these four, you will have the solid foundation that you are wanting to create as a beginner blogger.


Why do we start here? Well because you have a story that you are wanting to share. Whether that story is to help grow your business, possibly start a business or just share your experience, knowing your story and how you want to share it will play a critical role in your blog.

Knowing what parts of your story you want to share will help you to create content for your readers. It will help you to organize your thoughts and the lessons that you learned through those experiences.

This foundation will help you to create a connection to your audience and help you to gain your ideal readership on your blog. It isn’t about the number of people reading your blog post, it is about making sure the right people are reading your blog post and that is where your story plays a critical role.


We all have something that we are an expert in. Even if you don’t feel like you do. How does that expertise fit in with your story? Knowing this will help you hone in on what you want to talk about, what niche you are going to be blogging about and who your ideal reader is.

Your expertise is a combination of knowing your story and learning from those experiences. Again, knowing your expertise will help you to create content and topics that you can cover on your blog.

Questions to ask yourself to narrow down your expertise.

  1. What experience was a life-changer for me?

  2. What did I learn from that experience?

  3. What can I talk about all day?

  4. What do people come to me for?


Your blog will NOT grow if you don’t know who you are writing for. That is a HARD TRUTH when it comes to blogging.

You can’t write for everyone because it just isn’t possible. You need to be clear and concise. In the beginning, you may not have exactly who your audience is but you have an idea. Start there. Begin with what you know.

Your audience may change as you grow and as you become more confident in your blogging and in your story. I know that my audience has changed and that just means that I am progressing in the direction that I want to go.

I wrote a blog post about 5 ways to understand your blogging audience. This will go more in-depth about knowing who is coming to your site and why.


Oh, this is a BIG one!! That dreaded word that comes up more times than you care to admit, right?! I get it. I have been there. I wasn’t always consistent with my blog and it showed.

Yes, I had loyal readers but those readers were all I had because eventually, other people gave up trying to know when I would post to my blog. Who wants to wait around and feel disappointed when their favourite blogger isn’t showing up?

It really wasn’t until I began to get super consistent and create a content schedule around my life that my blog was taken seriously. Not only by my readers but by ME!!!

If we don’t have a plan in place, we are going to treat our blog as a side hobby. That means we will not be dedicating the time that we need to get it to where we want to be.

Your blog needs to be nurtured in order to grow. Choose a schedule that works for you. A schedule that allows you to be consistent and show up for your readers. If you are looking for ways to help you with consistency in your blogging schedule, check out my blog post when I talk all about creating work hours as a blogger.

We all want our blogs to start strong. We all want to be successful in what we choose to blog about. No matter what success looks like to you when it comes to your blogging, these four pillars will help you stay on track.

Are you surprised by the four pillars? Do you agree with them? Blogging is truly a combination of so many pieces but by ensuring you have these four pillars in place, you are giving your blog the best chance to thrive.

If you are looking to get your own blog started, the next round of Blogology will be starting on January 10, 2021. If you are looking for a group coaching program that will take you from idea to blog, join Blogology. There are ONLY 5 spaces available and payment plans are available.

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