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The Me Month Challenge: 29 Days of Self-Love & Self-Care

Are you ready for a self-care challenge that is going to improve your life? I find February one of the hardest months to get through. For being the shortest month, it feels like it drags on. 

Maybe because winter feels like it just won’t end in Alberta, however, this year, we have had some beautiful weather but as I look out the window today, the snow is falling. I am not a winter person. If I could, I would hibernate. 

A few years ago, I created a challenge called Self-Love Letters. I would have women write love letters to themselves and record themselves reading them. I would then post those videos on my social media. This was my absolute favourite thing to do for February, which let’s face it, is known as the love month. 

Since I no longer do this (I totally should bring it back), I created a new challenge for February called The Me Month Challenge.


January was rough and so I want to take the pain and confusion from last month and turn it into something positive. The Me Month Challenge is all about focusing on one thing per day that will improve my life. These daily challenges are going to range from doing something for my body to doing something to improve my life but the point of them is to put myself first. 

How many times do we say that we are going to do something, only to put it off for the seventeenth time? The Me Month Challenge allows us to focus on one thing. It gives us the chance to put the excuses away and just do the things. The things that we know are good for us but that, for whatever reason, we always choose last. 

This is all about bringing some self-love into our world in practical ways. Ways that are going to allow us to live and grow the way that we want to.

I am sharing the daily challenges on my Facebook business page stories and my personal stories, as well as on my Instagram. That way you can follow along. I would love for you to take photos, if you can and tag me on Instagram (@inwordwhispers) of the daily challenges. No pressure! I will show some of my photos if I remember to take them. 

In the next section of this blog, I am going to break down the individual challenges. Since some of them have already passed, I am going to share my experiences with them. 

So are you ready to dive into the challenge?


Technically, we are on day four of February already. Some of these you can do every day if you would like to but do not feel the pressure to do them that way. Some of them you may not feel called to do and that is also okay.

This challenge is meant for you to make it your own. I would recommend trying to do one each day but honestly, it doesn’t always work out that way even with the best of intentions. 

Here is the breakdown of each daily challenge. 

February 1: Meditate for 20 minutes

I love meditating and I have fallen off the wagon. This is one of the goals that I set for myself for February. I use the app Insight Timer to meditate. You can use it silently as a timer or you can choose guided meditations.

February 2: Go for a walk

I did this a day late as I did a walk yesterday, February 3. I walked around my neighbourhood. I always forget how good going for a walk feels. It is one of the easiest ways that I can get out of my head and live in the moment. 

February 3: Go to bed early

I had a sleepover with my youngest in her room last night so we turned a movie on my laptop and we were both sleeping by 8:30 pm. It was wonderful and I didn’t realize how tired I actually was. I have been in fight mode for the last few weeks and it has taken a toll on me. Tonight may be another early night. We will see.

February 4: Create a budget for February

I am terrible with sticking to a budget but this month I am going to do it. I am going to break my budget up per paycheck. I find this easier for me to do. Today I will be writing it all out so that I know where my money needs to go.

February 5: Create a monthly affirmation

I typically create an affirmation to focus on for each month and I haven’t yet chosen mine for February so I am excited to see what you choose. I will be sharing mine on my stories.

February 6: Buy yourself some flowers

This is actually one of my 101 goals. I wanted to buy myself flowers monthly and I was doing it and then I stopped. Flowers are such a great way to bring a little happiness into your house. Please share photos of the flowers that you buy! I would love to see them.

February 7: Schedule appointments that you have been putting off

I have scheduled two appointments for my daughter that I have been putting off. Now, there are a few other ones that I need to do and that will happen! What have you been putting off doing when it comes to your health?

February 8: Write a self-love letter

Of course, I needed to add this to my challenge. If you want to, feel free to share it with me. I will write mine and maybe read it on video to share. It’s time to give ourselves some love. 

February 9: Wear your favourite outfit

I am a woman who loves yoga pants and t-shirts but there is something about putting on something beautiful. In December, I did a Dress-Up December challenge and it made such a difference to my mental health. Share your outfits with me! I’d love to see you when you are feeling your best!!

February 10: Open a savings account for something that you want

I have a few different savings accounts open. I will name them what I am saving for so that I know what it is used for. I’d love for you to share with me what it is that you are saving for. It doesn’t matter how much money you can put into it, just start. Even if that is $1 a month, just start!!

February 11: Write 11 things that you are grateful for

Focus on the good today that is going on. If you are in the head space where that can be hard. Start with the basics. That always helps me if I am struggling with things that I am grateful for. 

February 12: Watch your favourite old movie

There is nothing better than climbing into bed and watching your favourite movie. Share with me what your favourite movie is. 

February 13: Write a letter and send it to someone that you love

As a kid, I would write back and forth to my great-grandma. Getting a letter from her in the mail was the highlight of my day. I still treasure those letters and I want to bring that to my kids and to myself again. Find someone who will be your pen pal. If you need someone, reach out to me. I’d love to be your pen pal.

February 14: Write out 1 BIG goal for 2024 and the steps to get there

Only one goal. Write it down and think about what it is going to take for you to get there!

February 15: Start a daily journal

A journal doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just start writing. If you need help, grab some journal prompts and use those. Get the thoughts that are stuck in your head out on paper. It does make a difference.

February 16: Choose a book to read and read at least 5 pages per day

What type of book is your favourite to read? I love thriller-type books. Share the book you are currently reading with me!

February 17: Organize a space in your home that needs it

Again, this seems like a task that we always put off even though we know it will make us feel better. What space are you going to organize? 

February 18: Get together with a friend

I know that I need to make more time for this. It is something that we put off and then months go by. Who are you going to call and make plans with? 

February 19: Make your favourite meal

Food. The way to anyone’s heart. I love cooking and in the everyday craziness, I can forget that. So today, make your favourite dish and enjoy it. Don’t forget to take photos as I love food pictures!

February 20: Take yourself out for lunch/dinner

This is one of my favourite things to do. Take myself out to one of the restaurants that I love and just take my time eating my food while enjoying the peace. As a mom of three, that doesn’t always happen. Where are you going to eat?

February 21: No social media for a day

This may be a tough one but so much of our time can be caught up in scrolling. Put the phone away and focus on something else. 

February 22: Paint your fingernails

I usually do not have my fingernails painted. I will even get my girls involved in this one and they can paint my nails. Let’s see those pretty nail photos!

February 23: Do some yoga

I love yoga. Like walking, yoga gets me out of my head. I focus more on the present moment and just do the moves. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long class. Put an easy yoga class on, even for 10 minutes, and get out of that pretty head of yours. 

February 24: Treat yourself to your favourite dessert

Who doesn’t love dessert?!?! I am a sweets person and this is going to be so much fun. The problem is, which one do I choose?

February 25: Put on your favourite lotion after a long shower/bath

I am not a bath person so I will have an extra long shower. You can even add to this and dry brush your skin before your shower or bath. Lather up afterward and enjoy!

February 26: Create a self-care kit

A self-care kit is going to be filled with all of your favourite things so that when you have a day where you are struggling, you can pull it out. A few ideas of things to put in your kit are:

  • Chocolate

  • Journal and pen

  • Candle

  • Coloring book

  • Colored pencils

  • Book

February 27: Clean out your closet

How many clothes are in your closet that don’t make you fabulous? It’s time to clean that closet out and get rid of the things that you no longer love or that no longer fit. Clean out that space so that when you walk into it, you feel nothing but happiness. 

February 28: Unsubscribe from emails

If you are anything like me, your email is filled with emails you get from small businesses or your favourite shops. How often do you actually read them? I rarely read any of them that I get and honestly, they are only coming to my inbox because I signed up for the freebie. Start unsubscribing and see that inbox declutter!

February 29: Sign up for a free course

I love Udemy for courses. I usually sign up for free ones but have signed up for some paid ones in the past. They are great as they are go at your own pace. What course are you going to take?

I hope that by the end of February, you are feeling a bit more centered, a bit more in love with yourself, and that you realize the importance of putting yourself first for a change. 

What day are you most looking forward to doing? What was your favourite day to complete? These make great journal entries if you need help in that area!!

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