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They Said I Couldn't...Watch Me

I want to tell you a little story.

I became a girl that didn’t have a voice.

A girl who thought that becoming whole again was impossible. That seeing herself in a beautiful and powerful way was never going to be possible.

I was broken.

I was scarred.

I had been torn apart and you could see the cracks where they just hadn’t mended together yet. Maybe they never will and they will always be there.

For a long time, I believed this.

And I was reminded of it again in a way that I wasn’t prepared for or expecting.


The other day was exciting. I had been accepted into a round table to discuss a business question that had come up for me with a panel of business experts. I was beyond excited because I wanted to talk about helping women publish their stories. Not only through blogging but I wanted to be able to create a suite of products that included helping them write their book and publishing it.

I know and live the power of sharing your story every single day and I want to truly help give these women a voice. I know what it feels like to not have a voice for so long and when you finally find it, you want that courage to be spread to other women.

Through my business program, I had always had my blog coaching program. This is how Creative Purpose started. Creative Purpose exists because I started helping women share pieces of their stories through blogging. That is who I am and that is what I do.

This idea sounds more like a passion project than an actual business.

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I was sitting in front of a panel of business experts being told that my business, the whole reason I started my business, was only a passion project. A project that no one would want to create except for me.

There isn’t a business in trauma.

Those are the words I left with that day.

That there was no need for my services and what I was doing.

That all along I had been fooling myself into believing that I could change the world.

That women like me don’t need help to share their stories or even for that matter, want to share their stories.

I held back the tears and anger for the 30 minutes of continued discussion, all while wanting to find a way out of this room. My voice was once again, taken away and I wasn’t expecting it.


I used to be like them.

Thinking that what I was doing was crazy. That no one would want my help or even want to share their stories. I mean, hell, it took me 11 years after my sexual assault to have the courage to share my own story.

But you see, the thing is, that once I did begin to share it, I found a power within myself that I hadn’t seen for a very long time. A power that lit me up inside and helped me to heal and grow.

It was painful.

It was long.

It was a journey that changed my life from moment to moment.

But I had found myself again.

Through the pain.

Through the broken pieces.

Through the tears.

Through the heartbreak.

Through the smiles.

Through the doubt.

I allowed someone to take my voice, my life for over 11 years. I gave my power away until the only thing I had left to do was to pick myself up and begin to process the pain that I hadn’t yet done so.

There are going to be people in this world that want to make you feel small.

There are going to be people in this world that are going to want you to stay silent.

There are going to be people in this world that feel uncomfortable when you share your story.

They aren’t your people.

They were never meant to be your people.

It has taken me over two weeks to get these words out. I no longer want to listen to the voices of many. I need to listen to the voice within and THAT voice is telling me that I need to keep moving forward. I need to take this “passion project” and turn it into a beautiful business that continues to help women reclaim their voices and their lives, and helps them to build businesses around their stories.

If you are ready to start sharing your story through blogging, I have my group coaching program, Blogology. This program is 7 weeks long and starts on January 8. Make 2023 the year that you start your blog and share your story.

My journey is just beginning.

And so is yours.

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