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Tips to Build Your Blogging Audience

Just imagine if readers just magically appeared on our blogs. Loving and soaking up EVERY word that we were to write.

Just imagine.

Blogging would be easy.

Blogging would be fun.

Blogging would get boring after a while.

No, you are probably right, it wouldn’t get boring but it would be a lot less work if we didn’t have to share our blog posts all the time.

We all want readers to come to our blog and love what they read. However, it isn’t as easy as just wishing for them to appear. It takes dedication, consistency and a strategy to get your readers there.

You will have some readers that come back time after time to read everything that you write.

You will have some readers that read one post and never come back.

You will have some readers who are sporadic and read when they see your post occasionally.

We all LOVE those dedicated readers. They make our blogging job much easier because we know they are going to show up and be there when we need them. This blog post is going to talk about those other readers.

The sporadic readers.

The readers who come and go without a care in the world because we all have them AND we sometimes are that reader.


There may be some bloggers out there who have a majority of their readers as consistent, hardcore fans but for most of the bloggers out there, they are dealing with sporadic readers. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, EVERY reader begins as a sporadic reader and may turn into a dedicated and consistent reader.

There are MANY blogs out there. In fact, there are OVER 600 million blogs. That number may be staggering and it may scare you but the fact is, there are still readers who are searching for what you are blogging about.

This means that you have a chance to turn those sporadic readers into die-hard fans of yours. You need to learn how to get in front of more readers so that you can find those who fall in love with your words. This all comes down to creating a strategy that will help you get in front of those readers.


It is time to get readers to your site and we are going to cover some tips that will help you do just that.

Create a plan to share to your social media platforms. | I teach all of my clients to spread out how they share their blog posts. You don’t want to share it everywhere at once. You want to gradually share it with your social media groups so that you are consistently sending people to your blog. More details on how to use social media alongside your blog.

Here is an example…

Let’s say that you publish a new blog once a week. You publish your blog post on Wednesdays. Your strategy for sharing your blog post could look like this.

Tuesday: Ask a question that is a little sneak peek into what your blog post is about. Get your audience talking. You can do that on your FB page and IG.

Wednesday: Share your blog post to your FB page and to LinkedIn. Also, create an IG story that can share your blog post. On your IG, you can share a quote from your blog post.

Thursday: Share your blog post on your personal FB page. You will also create a learning post for IG that has to do with your blog post. This time you are going to direct them to your blog post.

Friday: Share your blog post to your Twitter feed if you use Twitter. You will also use your IG story from Wednesday and you can share it as a FB story.

Every single day, you will also be sharing a Pinterest pin from that blog post. You want to create new and exciting pins every time. I aim for 5-7 pins per blog post and then schedule them out once per day over the next 5-7 days.

Depending on your blog post, you may be able to break it up even more and create more IG posts and stories about the topic. If you need help with creating a content plan, a blog strategy session would be a great fit and I can help you create a content plan that focuses on sending traffic to your blog.

Be a guest expert for someone else. | This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog. You are reaching out to already established audiences and teaching them what you are an expert in. You want to make sure that you are driving traffic to your blog. Ways that you can do this are…

  1. Create a freebie that they can opt-in to.

  2. Make sure the host is sharing your links leading up to the event. You would do the same for them as well.

  3. Create a blog post about the topic you are going to talk about. Lead them to that blog once you are done.

Network with other bloggers that are in your niche. | This is a great way to collaborate and get in front of each other’s audiences. They will also be a great support system. Remember to also think about your shoulder niches. That is a great way to reach your potential readers and you aren’t exactly in the same niche but a relevant one.

Ask friends and family to share your blog post. | This may seem daunting and awkward but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Your friends and family should want to support you so ask them. The worst they can say is no. You can even do the same for other friends and family who are bloggers.

Join FB groups that allow you to share blog posts. | There are so many FB groups out there now. Find the groups that are collaborative and allow you to share your blog posts. Just remember that when you are in groups like this, you must actively participate. It can not be one-sided. If you are looking to join a FB group, my group, Becoming the Blogger Within is ready to welcome you in.

Be consistent with your blogging. | This is going to make a big impact on how you get readers. No one wants to constantly guess if you are going to publish and when you are going to publish. Create a schedule and stick with it. Start small and build from there. Consistency is a game-changer and should be the FIRST thing that you focus on.

Share your blog post with Mix. | Mix is an app that you can download to your phone. It used to be called StumbleUpon (which I loved). It is basically a way to discover content that you love to follow. Why don't you come and follow me on Mix?

Comment on other blogs. | I love to comment on other blogs and I have just started noticing that I am having traffic come to my blog from those comments. This may not bring you a ton of traffic but it is a great way to get some new readers to your site. Just make sure that you are leaving valuable comments on other blogs. You want to build a relationship and add value to what information they have already provided.

Use Pinterest. | Pinterest and I are currently having a big disagreement. HAHAHA!! I am not a Pinterest expert but using Pinterest is a great way to bring readers to your blog. Pinterest is a search engine and not a social media platform. It is a way for people to go and look for what they are needing help with. SEO is huge with Pinterest and so is video right now. If you want to learn more about how to use Pinterest, in my blogging resources page on my website, I share a Pinterest course that is phenomenal. I will earn an affiliate fee with the purchase of this course.

Use Milkshake to share the links of your blog posts on social media accounts. | I LOVE LOVE LOVE Milkshake. I use it for my IG account. It is a great way to share multiple links under one link. They just need to click on my Milkshake link and it will showcase the links that I want to show them. For example, I can share my latest blog post link, any specials or courses I have coming up, my FB group and more. Then all you need to do is update the latest blog post link every time you publish new and you don’t need to worry about changing the link every time on your IG profile. Check out my Milkshake account here so you can see what I mean. That is my new Milkshake account as I have two.

The point of this whole blog post is…

You have taken the time to write blog posts so you need to share them everywhere that you can. Building an audience is going to take time and patience. I want you to remember that blogging is a long-term game. We all seem to want overnight success but that isn’t how it works.

Show up consistently every month and keep sharing your blog posts. You show up for your audience and they will show up for you.

Are you ready to take a step into blogging and need some help? Build a Blog starts on October 18. Join today so that you can start building a blog that will have a strong foundation.

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