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Write Her Blogging Masterclass

Today I was supposed to be talking to you about freelance blogging but instead, I am here to talk to you about my free blogging masterclass, Write Her Blogging Masterclass.

I have actually never held a masterclass before and I am super super excited to do this. It will be held in my Facebook group, Becoming the Blogger Within


I want to show those who follow me a sneak peek into what Blogology is all about. I LOVE teaching women how to blog and I talk all the time in my blog ways to help start your blog and improve your current blog. Hosting this masterclass is a way for me to step outside my comfort zone and teach women live on video.

I have done in-person workshops but teaching online is something that I don’t do very often.

A beautiful office set up.
FREE Write Her Blogging Masterclass for women.


This masterclass will consist of 4 live videos starting at 10 am mountain time on Thursday, August 13. The video breakdown is this…

Video One: Breakdown of a Blog Post goes live at 10 am. In this video, I will discuss the different aspects of a blog post. What you need in your blog post, the layout of your blog posts, and more.

Video Two: Where to Use Your Keywords goes live at 1 pm. In this video, I will talk about where to use your keywords in your blog post as well as the different places that you should use them on your website. We will also talk about what a keyword is and the benefits of using them.

Video Three: Taking Your Blog Post and Creating Social Media Posts goes live at 4 pm. In this video, I will talk about my process of taking aspects of my blog post and creating different social media posts using it.

Video Four: Creating Your Content Calendar around Your Blog Schedule. I will break down how I create my content calendar and show you how I lay it out. This is how I also set up content calendars for my clients.


If you are interested in watching this masterclass, you must join my Facebook group. I will be going live in the group and you can catch the replays when you miss it. I can't wait to see you there.


You will get some insight into how I break things down for my clients and how I organize my own blog and blogging calendar. I think there is always a benefit to seeing how an expert organizes her own business.

You will also get some education on blog posts and keywords. Keywords are such an important part of blogging and sometimes can be the most confusing. I will break them down for you so that you can easily begin to understand what keywords are and how to use them.

To know how to write a blog post is super important. There is more to it than just writing down your thoughts. You need to have a plan. You need to know the important pieces to have in your blog post. This will make reading your posts easier as well as making the writing process easier for you as well.

I am super excited to see you at this masterclass tomorrow. Are you ready to start diving in and learning more about blogging?

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