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Your Daily Blogging To-Do List

Every night my husband comes home and asks me what I have done all day. Ha! I laugh because the list is long and so I begin to name everything that I have done and I see how boring my day has been just by the look on his face. So I eventually stop and say, “oh not much. What about you?”

I am a blogger. My day consists of a lot of time spent on my computer while trying to teach my 4-year-old her alphabet, letters, manners, and that she doesn’t really need to eat 25 snacks a day. That is a losing battle, however, well the snack part at least.

On Wednesday, I posted a monthly blogging checklist. A way for me to prepare myself for the month ahead. Since it is almost November already, I have started working on items on that checklist to ensure that I am getting ready for the business that is coming. Having a plan is the only way that you will be able to succeed especially when it comes to blogging.

Plans can feel time-consuming and confusing but without a plan, you are going to waste more time wondering what you need to do than actually doing the work.

Today I want to share with you a daily blogging checklist. This will include things that I do daily to help ensure that my blog is set up for success. As with the monthly checklist, there is more to this daily checklist than actual blogging items. And that is because blogging doesn’t start or end with your blog. There are so many moving parts that need to continue moving to keep growing and seeing success with blogging.

For myself, I normally publish 3 times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By keeping that consistent, my audience knows when I am going to share a new blog post. I have written a previous post about how to use social media alongside your blog posts. This can help you to plan your content around your blog.

This blog post will cover what I do daily to continue to grow my blog. I will walk you through the everyday items that I do. I have said it multiple times but knowing what I need to do by having a plan and a checklist keeps me organized and on track to complete everything that I need to.


1| Publish my blog post. I do schedule my blog posts through Wix as well but there are some days that I just don’t get to it and publish them. For me, I publish every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I try to publish between 6:30-7:00 am on those days. Today is much later because I didn’t have my blog post ready.

2| Share the blog post to my FB page. I share my blog post to my FB page the day that I publish that post.

3| Create 4-8 different Pinterest pins for my newest blog post. I schedule them ahead of time through Pinterest. You can schedule up to 30 pins.

4| Share my blog post to a few FB groups. I try to break this up so that I am not sharing the same post in every FB group that I am a part of. That way I can get different traffic on different blog posts throughout the week.

5| Post to my IG feed. The day that I publish my post I do not share it to my IG feed. I share it the day after. I will create a different type of post to share on my feed for my followers. I now only share once a day on IG.

6| Post to my IG stories. I do this throughout the day to keep them spread out. I can talk about my blog post. I share my clients’ blog posts. I share behind the scenes. I will write out ideas for my IG stories on my content calendar so I have a plan throughout the week. This is something that I do daily.

7| I comment on other blogs. I am a part of some amazing groups where we comment on each other’s blog posts. Every day I am a part of this and I take time to read what others are writing about. It is important that when you do this, you take time on their website to truly help their SEO.

8| I pin on Pinterest. Besides sharing my own pins, I also share the pins of others. I am a big believer in using Pinterest to share all aspects of my life. I am more than my business and more than my blog so my followers get to see everything I love from budgeting to home ideas to recipes.

9| I comment on Pinterest pins. This helps to get my name out there and be seen by other Pinterest users. Plus it helps them with their pin analytics. It is a win-win. Just make sure that you are making meaningful comments.

10| I share my blog post to my FB stories. It gives my followers a chance to see my blog posts in a fun and unique way.

11| I write. Whether this is for fun, for guest blog posts, or for my own posts; I take time daily to write. This helps keep the creativity flowing.

12| I share my blog post to LinkedIn. I am not a LinkedIn expert but I do share what I write about.

13| I create different pins that are not related to the blog post that I published. I share my freebies, client testimonials, client blog posts and events that I have coming up.

14| I post to my FB group. There are weeks that I have challenges going on so the content is pretty clear on what I need to post. I try and post anywhere between 1-2 times a day.

15| I meditate. This allows me to start my day on the right note. My house is the quietest in the morning and I love the silence. I am not a morning person so I am not up super early but I do love this time.

16| I journal. This allows me to braindump before my day even begins. I am a creative person so I tend to get filled up with things that I need to just empty. This is a great way for me to stay focused on what I need to do during the day.

17| I comment on IG stories and IG posts. I do each for 5 minutes a day. I also try to find my ideal client on there and follow them and comment on a few of their posts as well. This is a great way to get your name in front of them.


1| 4 days a week, I have client calls. Whether this is 1 on 1 coaching or my group coaching program.

2| I post to my client's social media. I take care of blog posts and social media posting for my blog management clients. I get to have fun on their social media.

3| I reach out to my clients. There are weeks that we talk daily. This ensures that they are getting all the help that they need.

As you can see, there is a lot more on this list than just my blog post. I truly try to create connections with other bloggers, my ideal clients, and my followers. Knowing what you have to accomplish every day will help you when blogging gets hard. And blogging will get hard. Every blogger has had moments that we wanted to give up. Make a plan that works for you. Hopefully, this checklist will help you.

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