TweetShareSharePinHave you ever sat and stared at your Instagram feed and loved all of what you have created? And then the next thought to take over was, I wish more people had seen this post that I crafted. We take so much time, whether we are business owners, influencers, or just posting our personal stuff […]

The Lifespan of Different Creative Content

TweetShareSharePinHow do you show someone who you are as a blogger? Creating a media kit was something that I never considered as a blogger. It wasn’t until I decided to reach out to brands I loved for freelancing, that I had ever given it a thought. I still didn’t know what a media kit was […]

Tips to Create a Blogging Media Kit

TweetShareSharePinThis week I started a new program that I was accepted into called Peerpreneur through Business Link. A program may not be the right word to describe this but I am super excited to be a part of this. Peerpreneur is all about bringing entrepreneurs together for weekly meetings and just discussing how things are […]

Benefits of Hiring Help For Your Content

TweetShareSharePinI am NOT a morning person. I used to be. I was always up by 7 at the latest and ready to take on the day. Nowadays, my alarm goes off at 6:15 and I just want to lay there and close my eyes again and sleep until noon. Kind of like how my 14-year-old […]

My Morning Routine That Builds Creativity

TweetShareSharePinFierce. That was my word for 2021 and for most of this year, I felt anything but. I had spent months applying for jobs because my husband had lost hours due to COVID. No one would hire me. My business was going nowhere and I couldn’t figure out why. I almost walked away multiple times […]

Goals to Make 2022 Your Most Creative Year

TweetShareSharePinJust imagine if readers just magically appeared on our blogs. Loving and soaking up EVERY word that we were to write. Just imagine. Blogging would be easy. Blogging would be fun. Blogging would get boring after a while. No, you are probably right, it wouldn’t get boring but it would be a lot less work […]

Tips to Build Your Blogging Audience

TweetShareSharePinYou love the idea of monetizing your blog BUT it terrifies you. You have no idea where to start and so you just avoid the WHOLE idea. You don’t want to get your hopes up because what if it doesn’t work. I want to take you on a little journey of my blog monetization journey. […]

Creating A Monetization Plan for Your Blog

TweetShareSharePinI didn’t feel the full brunt of my creditability and expertise until I was doing a podcast interview with someone and they were so excited to talk to me. I remember her exact words were, “I have never spoken to a professional blogger before.” I may have laughed at her comment because NO ONE had […]

11 Ways to Become an Expert in Your Blogging Niche

TweetShareSharePinI love crime shows. My kids may even say I am a bit obsessed with them. I could watch them all day long, and well, I will admit that there have been days that I have done that. Even while I write this post, Bones is playing in the background. My favourites lately that I […]

Collaborations are Your Best Bet to Grow

TweetShareSharePinYou are staring at your computer screen and can hardly contain the excitement because you published your post. After the hours and hours, it took you to craft what you wanted to say, you now have no idea what to do. You want people to read it. You want the world to see the effort […]

Steps to Take After You Hit Publish