Tips to Create a Blogging Media Kit

How do you show someone who you are as a blogger?

Creating a media kit was something that I never considered as a blogger. It wasn’t until I decided to reach out to brands I loved for freelancing, that I had ever given it a thought. I still didn’t know what a media kit was or how to use one as a blogger.

Think of your blogging media kit as a combination of a beautiful resume, and a business card for yourself and your blog. In this blog post, we are going to break down what a media kit is, how to use one as a blogger, and tips to create your own media kit.

Let’s jump in.


A media kit is a document that contains all the information about your blog and the services that you offer. When you decide that it is time to reach out to brands for sponsored posts, offer freelance services, or any other type of services, you are going to have those people who want to know more about who you are.

A media kit is a visual way for you to display all of your need-to-know information for those brands that are wanting to know. So what are you going to include in your media kit?

Blog name and logo

You will want to share what your blog name is as well as your first and last name. If you don’t have a name specific to your blog then share your business name if you have one. This is an introduction after all and your names are an important piece of who you are.

Social media stats

If you are doing sponsored posts, this section is going to be super important. Sometimes the brands that you work with are only going to work with you if you have specific social media numbers. They want to reach more people and so that is what they are looking for.

It is only about how many followers you have. You will also want to write down what your insights are. This is a great way to add even more information for those who are interested in working with you.

About your blog

Talk about what you blog about in this section. You can even cover a piece of why you started. This is a great way for someone to get to know you even more before deciding to work with you.

Services offered

When you share your blogging media kit, you want to make sure that it shows them what you actually offer for services. This gives them a glimpse into if what you offer is something that they need or want to work with.

Fees of your services

This isn’t a mandatory section. I have it on my media kit but instead of giving full prices, I give them a range of prices for a certain service. This way they can see that depending on what they need, the pricing will be geared towards what they are needing.

Contact details

You want to make sure that they have contact information so that they can easily reach you. Leave the best way for them to reach you whether that is by email or phone number. Personally, I prefer email.

Social media links

These companies may want to spy on your social media platforms before they reach out to you. Leave the information that they need to look you up.

5 tips to help you create your own blogging media kit


You have been blogging for a while now and are ready to either start offering services, reaching out to be an affiliate, or offer sponsored blog posts but how do you reach out to these brands so that they can get to know you a bit more?

This is where a media kit will come in handy.

You will create this beautiful media kit that you will share with all of those that you want to work with. Remember that you want this media kit to represent you as a blog, a business, and as a person. Make sure that it shows who you are in an authentic way.


Tip #1: If you don’t know where to start when it comes to media kits or want a bit of inspiration, Canva is a great place to begin. You can use a template or you can look through to get inspiration and create your own through a mash-up of different ones.

Tip #2: You want the summary of your blog to be just that, a summary. You do not need to give your life story in this short paragraph. Make this section 1-3 paragraphs at most. Give them the highlights of who you are, when and why you started, and what it is that you blog about.

Tip #3: Know who you are pitching to. If you offer multiple services, you can create a media kit that is specific to who you are pitching to. This way you can cover the relevant features to their business and you can feature relevant testimonials so they can relate those back to them. This way your media kit will feel personalized for them but still cover who you are and what it is that you do.

Tip #4: Have fun with your media kit. Yes, it showcases your business but this is a visual reflection of your business. Learn to have fun with it and put some personality into it. You should be having fun as a blogger anyway so show it off!!

Tip #5: Remember that when you create a media kit, it is an ever-changing document. Before you send it out, you will want to update your social media stats and your insights. You want to give the most up-to-date information.


You don’t want your media kit to be long. That defeats the purpose of the media kit but here are a few extras that you can add to yours to make it even more you.

  • Testimonials
  • Guest blog posts
  • Features
  • Headshots

You want your media kit to stand out among all the others. The way to do this is to add your personality to it. Once you have your media kit prepared, you can start reaching out to brands and businesses feeling more confident in who you are and what you do.

Blogging Resources, Content Creation, Marketing Tips




Tips to Create a Blogging Media Kit

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1 year ago

I’ve got to update my media kit. I’m bookmarking this page for reference!

Richard Lowe
1 year ago

Yep, I have all these items on my blog, since it’s the center of my business. This is a great guide to this.

1 year ago

I had no idea something like that existed! Media kit! This is amazing. I will be working on my own media kit, I am quite excited about it.

1 year ago

I had so much fun creating a media kit… a few years ago!! I really need to update it soon. Thanks for the great tips 🙂

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