Goals and Growth

TweetShareSharePinAs I stand on the threshold of the final year of my 30s, I find myself in a reflective and contemplative state. This impending milestone prompts me to pause, look back at the journey I’ve traveled so far, and look forward with anticipation to what lies ahead. The 30s have been a decade of significant […]

Stepping Forward: Goals and Growth in the Last Year of My 30s

Year of growth

TweetShareSharePinI remember sitting on my bed a year ago, scrolling through countless jobs because, at that time, I had lost my job ten days prior.  A job that I had thought that I loved. A job that I had given countless hours to. A job that, as it turned out, I sold my soul for.  […]

A Year of Growth: 165 Insights That Changed My Life

TweetShareSharePinMay, with its blooming flowers and longer days, signifies a season of renewal and growth. It’s a time when nature seems to wake up from its slumber and that means it is the perfect time for us to dig into our ambitions and aspirations. As I reflect on the significance, of this month, I realize […]

Mental Health Daily Practices to Enhance Your Life

TweetShareSharePinI have been in what feels like a free fall for a while now.  Struggling. Struggling with how I am feeling. Struggling with who I am. Struggling with who I am supposed to become. I am just not sure who that reflection is that is staring back at me. She has the same red hair […]

This Is Where I Save Myself

TweetShareSharePinThere is a shadow that follows me around. A shell of a person who once existed. She hangs around just out of sight, but you can always feel her presence. She was once so full of life. There was magic in her eyes and unstoppable courage. Too wild to be tamed. She wasn’t beautiful in […]

The Shadow


TweetShareSharePinI had the perfect opening line for this blog post when I woke up at 4:30 in the morning the other day. I thought that I should open up my phone and write it into the notes and decided against it. I could remember it for another hour before my alarm went off. Well, I […]

An Oath to Growth: My Ever-Evolving Promises

TweetShareSharePinTRIGGER WARNING This blog post contains the topic of sex as a sexual assault survivor. Every sexual assault survivor will have different experiences due to the trauma that they experienced. This is a small piece of my story. Sex has taken on many forms for me. Some of them negative, some positive, some confusing, and […]

Beyond Trauma: Navigating Intimacy as a Sexual Assault Survivor

take care of yourself

TweetShareSharePinI’d like to say it’s easy. To put myself first and take care of me before all else but it is anything but. Most days, I wake up with a to-do list already a page long and that is before all the thoughts take over. I wake up with great intentions. Things that I know […]

The Courage To Take Care Of Yourself

self-care challenge

TweetShareSharePinAre you ready for a self-care challenge that is going to improve your life? I find February one of the hardest months to get through. For being the shortest month, it feels like it drags on.  Maybe because winter feels like it just won’t end in Alberta, however, this year, we have had some beautiful […]

The Me Month Challenge: 29 Days of Self-Love & Self-Care

TweetShareSharePinI’m finding myself in a place where I don’t want to write. Not because I don’t have anything to say BUT because the words that might come out may not make sense. They may even hurt people.  Well, maybe not hurt people but disappoint them. Make them question certain things when that isn’t the point […]

A Tale of Growth: Redefining Healing in the Year Ahead