TweetShareSharePinHave you ever sat and stared at your Instagram feed and loved all of what you have created? And then the next thought to take over was, I wish more people had seen this post that I crafted. We take so much time, whether we are business owners, influencers, or just posting our personal stuff […]

The Lifespan of Different Creative Content

TweetShareSharePinYou aren’t just posting to your social media to post, are you? Oh, you are. Well, then this blog post is for you because nowadays, posting just to post isn’t going to cut it. You are competing with millions of other people who are also sharing their creative content. Now, I don’t share this to […]

Objectives For Your Creative Content

TweetShareSharePinHow do you show someone who you are as a blogger? Creating a media kit was something that I never considered as a blogger. It wasn’t until I decided to reach out to brands I loved for freelancing, that I had ever given it a thought. I still didn’t know what a media kit was […]

Tips to Create a Blogging Media Kit

TweetShareSharePinOne of my business pillars is organization. I absolutely LOVE showing people how they can easily organize their life and their blogs in easy ways. Who doesn’t want to be more organized?!?!? My life and blog have so many moving parts that if I weren’t organized, I would be completely lost and overwhelmed with what […]

Become Better Organized With These Planners

TweetShareSharePinTo get back into my blogging habit again, I thought it would be fun to look through some of my past blog posts—a little trip down memory lane. I want to share some of my all-time favourite blog posts, some of my not-so-favourite ones, and the ones that were most read by others. I started […]

Blog Posts Of The Past

TweetShareSharePinKeywords Keywords Keywords It feels like when it comes to blogging or anything to do with your website, you hear the importance of keywords. This blog post isn’t going to be an in-depth explanation of keywords. Instead, it is going to be a how-to guide to help you choose your blog post keywords. I love […]

Choosing Your Blog Post Keywords

TweetShareSharePinFor the past couple of weeks, I have been teaching Anneleise (my 11-year-old) how to create graphics using Canva. She wanted a way to earn some money and honestly, having a second hand in my business will be awesome. Keep a look out this week on my Instagram because she has created this week’s graphics […]

Behind the Scenes of Content Creation

TweetShareSharePinI am a goal setter. I have been for as long as I can remember. Goals keep me focused. Goals help me to know what I truly want out of life. Goals keep me motivated. There have been moments in my life where the goals that I have set weren’t my own. They were goals […]

Goals To Set For Your Content

TweetShareSharePinHave you ever just looked at someone and you could see the confidence oozing out of them? I have been surrounded by a few of those women in my life and it amazes me when I see them. It makes me want to be them. It makes me want to surround myself with their presence. […]

Displaying Confidence In Your Content

TweetShareSharePinThis week I started a new program that I was accepted into called Peerpreneur through Business Link. A program may not be the right word to describe this but I am super excited to be a part of this. Peerpreneur is all about bringing entrepreneurs together for weekly meetings and just discussing how things are […]

Benefits of Hiring Help For Your Content